The U.S. Navy Support Facility (NSF) Diego Garcia is located in the Indian Ocean within the British Indian Ocean Territory (B.I.O.T.). NSF Diego Garcia is located south of equator approximately 2900 kilometers southwest of Bombay, India and approximately 2400 kilometers northeast of Mauritius, 4,723 km west-northwest of the west coast of Australia, and approximately 8,906 kilometers southwest of Guam.
Contracted Scope of Work: This design-bid-build project repaired the Shipstore and CDF Galley Warehouse at Facility # 703. The work includes structural, architectural, mechanical, and electrical works. The project includes designed of Wet Sprinkler Fire Protection System and Fire Alarm and Mass Notification System (Including services of Fire Protection Professional Engineers), procurement and shipping of all materials to Diego Garcia.
Several notable features of work included:
- Installation of new roof mounted skylight dome, replacement of existing lighting fixture into LED type fixtures and upgrading all electrical controls such as occupancy sensor system, and replacement of outdated mechanical equipment greatly improves building energy efficiency and conservation.
- Conducting site surveys and series of testing to the building’s nearest hydrants by the contracted Fire Protection Design Firm representative (PE) during the design phase of wet sprinkler system.
- Provided an integrated fire alarm and suppression system capable of notifying building occupants and controlling any fire that start inside the facility. A complete electrically supervised, addressable intelligent, manual and automatic, annunciated fire alarm and detection system throughout the facility.
- The building is now an asbestos free facility after abatement of old vinyl sheet flooring at both offices and toilet.
- Conducting lead abatement procedure prior to demolish old metal roofing and wall panels.
- Procurement and logistics are very challenging for all of our work on Diego Garcia as BCC’s IDIQ task orders with the Navy are subject to the Buy American Act and all shipments into or out of Diego Garcia must either be on a Military Sealift Command vessel or Air Mobility Command aircraft unless by special and extremely expensive U.S. flagged tug and barge charter approved in advance by the Navy. There are no commercial ocean vessels or aircraft serving Diego Garcia. Consequently, we have to source all of our materials and equipment in the U.S. or from an approved trading nation under the Buy American Act and all of these goods must be first shipped to Singapore on a U.S. flagged vessel due to the Transportation by Sea Act.
Ocean and air freight costs to Diego Garcia is also a major concern as shipping costs for a 40 ft. container between the US and Diego Garcia is $40,000 each and air freight is over $10.00 per pound. Releasing a partial filled container for shipment in order to meet project schedule automatically places a shipping cost premium to a project’s overall cost.
Owner: U.S. Department of the Navy Contract No.: N62742-14-D-1303 Task Order 0022 Original Contract Amount: $5,661,679.21 Final Contract Amount: $5,661,679.21 Original Contract Completion Date: May 01, 2018 Final Contract Completion Date: April 17, 2018 Start Date: September 08, 2016 Contact Name: Cecille C. Penaflorida – PMEB Director 315.370.3560 Was Offeror Prime Contractor or Subcontractor: Prime Percentage of Work Performed: 100% Liquidated Damages Assessed: None Project Manager: Adolfo Nierva (Guam) Mario Agsoy (Diego Garcia) Job-Site Superintendent: Robert Redolozo Customer Evaluation: Final – Satisfactory |